Rawr! I am a ferocious predator!
Okay, really I am just a sleepy kitty.
I love naps. I find them one of life's great joys, especially as an adult. Curling up in a cool room and relaxing on a lazy Saturday is the best. Add a sleepy kitty to the mix and it's heaven. That's the kind of Saturday I had this week. I took a nap and HardyGirl climbed into bed with me. She found her perfect spot at the foot of the bed and we napped for a couple of hours. She looked like she didn't have any bones she was so relaxed. It made me happy. This is the kind of luxury she didn't get in a cage at the shelter. It's the kind of luxury she deserves.
Please leave a comment if you are at all interested in learning more about her. She really is a darling.