Saturday, August 25, 2012

HG has excellent manners.

You can't always count on your pets to behave nicely.  That's putting it mildly.  They do their own thing, they don't care if you have guests and they have very little shame.  I will say, though, that HG has excellent manners.
She loves to be petted.  She's happiest when I'mjust sitting next to her giving her pets and talking to her.  HardyGirl purrs audibly when she's getting attention.  If I stop, she very politely takes her paw and taps my arm or leg as if to say, "Pardon me, miss?  Please keep petting the cat."  It's very funny. She's very gentle and doesn't use her claws.  It's just a very light tap to make sure I know the cat needs more love. 
I wish I could say that HG and my cat have stopped hissing under the door at each other but that would be a lie.  I'm almost convinced that they enjoy it.  They bat at each others' paws, hiss and then repeat until they're tired. 
HardyGirl will be so happy when she gets her forever person. 

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